Cloud Enabled SG

Azure Cloud Machine Learning Foundation Training in Singapore

Price :
500 SGD
Category :
Consultant 1
Anil Bidari

Chief Consultant

Anil Bidari is a versatile trainer and consultant specializing in GitLab, AWS, Azure, Google, DevOps, Jenkins, Kubernetes, Ansible, Docker, Agile, and Machine Learning. His expertise drives successful technology adoption and implementation, benefiting organizations and individuals alike.
Azure cloud ML 1 1

Course Outline

Agenda :  Azure Cloud ML & AI Solutions ( Pre-trained )

Module 1: Introduction to Azure Machine Learning

  • Azure machine learning overview.
  • Introduction to Azure machine learning studio.
  • Developing and hosting Azure machine learning applications
  • Hands-on lab sessions Lab:
  • Using Exercise and Calories dataset
  • Explore Azure Machine Learning Studio
  • Upload datasets, Create Experiments,
  • How to import data from big data sources and define a data workflow in an experiment.

Module 2 : Building Azure machine learning models with ML Studio

  • Categorizing your data
  • Importing data to Azure machine learning,
  • Exploring and transforming data in Azure machine learning
  • Hands on labs
  • Prepare Azure SQL database, Import data, Visualize data
  • Train and evaluate a regression model  and a classification model using exercise and calories data set.

Module 3 : Publish Predictive models as Azure Machine Learning services

  • Significance of webservice
  • How to publish and test a webservice in ML Studio

Lab :

    1. Publish and test a webservice using ML Studio using exercise and calories dataset
    2. Publishing and consuming a parameterized webservice  

Module 4:  Building Azure Machine Learning Models with Azure ML Services

  • Introduction to Azure Machine Learning Services
  • How to build Azure machine learning models with ML services.


    1. Building Azure machine learning models with ML services introduction
    2. Electricity demand forecast

Let's Enroll Our Course !!

Cloud Enabled Pvt Ltd is your trusted partner in advancing your skills. We offer comprehensive training in Cloud Computing, DevOps, and Machine Learning, designed to propel your career.
